I have created this blog to inform you what the developers have exactly updated/added into the game with every update. I can not tell you things such as when these will be implemented (such as when the events will start), since that is controlled by the server end (which I can't access since I'm not a developers, or going to hack into it). I play on A108 as ÐL※Tenebrous. If you want tip and strategies go to http://ageofwarringempireinfo.blogspot.com/ I do not post here but it is a useful blog.
Search This Blog
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Like I've said, I have moved to http://ageofwarringempireinfo.blogspot.com here's a link to this update.
Monday, 10 November 2014
This Blog will be moving to http://ageofwarringempireinfo.blogspot.co.uk/, there are a few reasons for this:
1. the admin/creator of this site is producing less content, she has not given up on the blog but she's adding new pages to the left column.
2. Her Blog has been up a lot longer than mine, because of that she has a lot more views than my blog (around 10 times more).
This blog will still be available for you to view previous updates (I could of put a simple piece of code in the Blog to automatically redirect to the blog), but from the post onwards I do not expect to post any more content here.
1. the admin/creator of this site is producing less content, she has not given up on the blog but she's adding new pages to the left column.
2. Her Blog has been up a lot longer than mine, because of that she has a lot more views than my blog (around 10 times more).
This blog will still be available for you to view previous updates (I could of put a simple piece of code in the Blog to automatically redirect to the blog), but from the post onwards I do not expect to post any more content here.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Earth Shaker-Poseidon
Earth Shatter: The first attack deals 200% damage and is split across all enemy units.
Poseidon's Wrath: For each attacking target, there is a 25% chance to disable the target's abilities for 1 round a combat.
Flame Strike: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 40% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate when receiving a killing blow.
Unholy Dragon
Unholy Flames: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 50% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate when receiving a killing blow.
Chaos Dragon
Chaos Flames: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 60% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate receiving a killing blow.
Turkey Gift
(it is not just a activity, event, or restricted to a item, to I have made it its own section)
Spend gold coins and win a large equipment gift pack
1. The gift pack contains: High quality equipment, green quality equipment.
2. Turkey coupons. A material used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs. The better the gift pack, the higher the chance of getting turkey coupons.
Stuff the turkey with equipment of the same quality and roast it to receive higher quality equipment.
1. Select a turkey. Once the roasting ends, you will receive an equipment of a different quality.
2. The equipment you select to roast will be lost, and you will receive a random equipment of a better quality. Spirit stones and forging stones used to upgrade your equipment will be returned. Gems will be removed and placed in your gem bag.
3. Use a small amount of gold coins to receive higher quality equipment. Blue equipment can be roasted for free.
4.After roasting, you may choose to use gold coins to receive 1 additional equipment of the same quality.
5.Luxury equipment will be released during this event. Heroes equipped with luxury equipment will receive 1 additional skill.
6. Turkey coupons are used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs.
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level1">Normal Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level2">Delicious Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level3">Luxurious Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_RewardTips">You will receive 1 random %s quality equipment. \nTip: The soul stones and forging stones from the equipment used as materials in the event will be returned.</string>
<string name="NOPVE_NOEMPTY_SPACE">Insufficient building slots, please upgrade your city hall or demolish a barrack!</string>
<string name="NOPVE_NOBARRACK_SPACE">Unable to complete operation, please build the corresponding barrack!</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Choose">Select</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Tab1_Title">Roast Turkey</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Tab2_Title">Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PleaseChooseTurkey">Choose a turkey</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip0">Please select %d green equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip1">Please select %d blue equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip2">Please select %d purple equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip3">Please select %d orange equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip4">Please select %d red equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip5">Please select %d turkey coupons</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseSpeed">Reduce roasting time by %d minutes</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_SpendMore">Spend gold coins to receive %1$d random %2$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_SpendMore">Congratulations, you have received a %1$s quality equipment - %2$s. Spend gold coins to receive another %3$s quality equipment!</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color0">Green</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color1">Blue</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color2">Purple</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color3">Orange</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color4">Red</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTips">Use %1$d %2$s quality equipment for roasting, and receive a %3$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTipsSpec">Use %d turkey coupons and receive a luxury equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTips2">You received %1$d %2$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTipsSpec2">you will receive %d luxury equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle1">Blue Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle2">Purple Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle3">Orange Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle4">Red Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle5">Luxury Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_RewardTipsTurkey">You will use %1$d turkey coupons, and receive 1 random %2$s</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB2_Desc">Receive %1$d pieces of equipment, guaranteed to receive 1 %2$s equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TBA2_GetTurkeySpool">You received %d turkey coupons</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB1_NoEquip">Insufficient Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB1_KeypresTurkeySpool">Turkey coupons are used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs</string>
Your request for help has been sent to all allies!
Immediately join an alliance to receive gold coins!
The gold coins will be sent to your mail.
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_building: %1$d of your allies are helping you build: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_upgrade: %1$d of your allies are helping you upgrade: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_tech: %1$d of your allies are helping you research: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
Alliance Help
Help me %1$s%2$s
Help your allies by speeding up their countdown! The higher the level of your city hall, the more times you may be helped!
Help everybody
Helped successfully!
None of your allies are requesting help at the moment
You have not joined an alliance!
main_city_stop_make_soldier: Would you like stop training troops?
main_city_finish_make_soldier: Would you like to instantly finish training troops?
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_title">夺宝奇兵</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab1_desc">1.点击刷新有概率获得更高级宝图\n2.每次寻宝前都可以获得3(这个数值由服务器下发)次免费刷新机会\n3.寻宝后可以获得宝图所包含的随机道具和固定道具\n4.寻宝倒计时结束后不用忘记来领取宝物哦</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab2_desc">1.抢夺玩家有概率获得对应碎片\n2.抢夺战斗不会消耗士兵\n3.免战状态可以防止被其他玩家抢夺,但是也不能攻击其他玩家\n4.抢夺和防守布阵会影响竞技场阵型</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab3_desc">1.消耗对应碎片可以换取各类稀有道具</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_search">寻宝</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_raid">夺宝</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_reformation">布阵</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_rid_of_war">免战</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_change">换一批</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_can_search_times">寻宝次数</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_can_raid_times">夺宝次数</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_is_searching">宝藏探索中</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_refresh">点击刷新,随机解锁一种宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_0">低级宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_1">普通宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_2">高级宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_3">稀有宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_4">传说宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_5">史诗宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_desc">%s信息</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_may">可能获得</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_must">必定获得</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raid_rate_label">抢夺率</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_1">宝物碎片1</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_1_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片1,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_2">宝物碎片2</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_2_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片2,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_3">宝物碎片3</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_3_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片3,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_4">随机碎片</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_4_DESC">随机获得宝物碎片1~3中的一个</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_search_times_with_coin">花费金币补充一次寻宝次数,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_clear_cd_with_coin">花费金币清除cd,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_him_her">他</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid">打劫了</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_to_do_raid">企图打劫</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_fail">不过被%s击败了</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_no_item">不过什么都没抢到</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_item">抢走了%1$s x%2$d</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_avoid_attack_succ">开启免战成功</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_remove_avoid_attack_succ">关闭免战成功</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_open_avoid_attack_desc">开启免战则无法抢夺其他玩家,但是也不会被其他玩家抢夺,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_close_avoid_attack_desc">关闭免战则可以抢夺其他玩家,但是也会被其他玩家抢夺,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_buy_attack_times_desc">花费金币补充一次夺宝次数,是否继续?</string>
<string name="mail_get_rewards_succ_desc">Please check your inventory .(Gems and equipment can be found by going to the corresponding building)</string>
Earth Shaker-Poseidon
Earth Shatter: The first attack deals 200% damage and is split across all enemy units.
Poseidon's Wrath: For each attacking target, there is a 25% chance to disable the target's abilities for 1 round a combat.
Flame Strike: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 40% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate when receiving a killing blow.
Unholy Dragon
Unholy Flames: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 50% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate when receiving a killing blow.
Chaos Dragon
Chaos Flames: Every attack has a 100% to attack enemies in the same row as the target, dealing 60% damage, and deal 10% damage to units in adjacent row.
Hardened Scales: Every time Dragon is attacked, he reflects 10% of the damage received to a single unit. Does not activate receiving a killing blow.
Turkey Gift
(it is not just a activity, event, or restricted to a item, to I have made it its own section)
Spend gold coins and win a large equipment gift pack
1. The gift pack contains: High quality equipment, green quality equipment.
2. Turkey coupons. A material used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs. The better the gift pack, the higher the chance of getting turkey coupons.
Stuff the turkey with equipment of the same quality and roast it to receive higher quality equipment.
1. Select a turkey. Once the roasting ends, you will receive an equipment of a different quality.
2. The equipment you select to roast will be lost, and you will receive a random equipment of a better quality. Spirit stones and forging stones used to upgrade your equipment will be returned. Gems will be removed and placed in your gem bag.
3. Use a small amount of gold coins to receive higher quality equipment. Blue equipment can be roasted for free.
4.After roasting, you may choose to use gold coins to receive 1 additional equipment of the same quality.
5.Luxury equipment will be released during this event. Heroes equipped with luxury equipment will receive 1 additional skill.
6. Turkey coupons are used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs.
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level1">Normal Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level2">Delicious Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Level3">Luxurious Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_RewardTips">You will receive 1 random %s quality equipment. \nTip: The soul stones and forging stones from the equipment used as materials in the event will be returned.</string>
<string name="NOPVE_NOEMPTY_SPACE">Insufficient building slots, please upgrade your city hall or demolish a barrack!</string>
<string name="NOPVE_NOBARRACK_SPACE">Unable to complete operation, please build the corresponding barrack!</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Choose">Select</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Tab1_Title">Roast Turkey</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Tab2_Title">Turkey Gift Pack</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PleaseChooseTurkey">Choose a turkey</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip0">Please select %d green equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip1">Please select %d blue equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip2">Please select %d purple equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip3">Please select %d orange equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip4">Please select %d red equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseEquip5">Please select %d turkey coupons</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_ChooseSpeed">Reduce roasting time by %d minutes</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_SpendMore">Spend gold coins to receive %1$d random %2$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_SpendMore">Congratulations, you have received a %1$s quality equipment - %2$s. Spend gold coins to receive another %3$s quality equipment!</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color0">Green</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color1">Blue</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color2">Purple</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color3">Orange</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_Color4">Red</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTips">Use %1$d %2$s quality equipment for roasting, and receive a %3$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTipsSpec">Use %d turkey coupons and receive a luxury equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTips2">You received %1$d %2$s quality equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_PicTipsSpec2">you will receive %d luxury equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle1">Blue Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle2">Purple Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle3">Orange Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle4">Red Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TurkeyTitle5">Luxury Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_RewardTipsTurkey">You will use %1$d turkey coupons, and receive 1 random %2$s</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB2_Desc">Receive %1$d pieces of equipment, guaranteed to receive 1 %2$s equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TBA2_GetTurkeySpool">You received %d turkey coupons</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB1_NoEquip">Insufficient Equipment</string>
<string name="TurkeyGift_TAB1_KeypresTurkeySpool">Turkey coupons are used to create luxury equipment. There is a chance to get them from turkey gift packs</string>
![]() |
set_equip_red_bow.png |
![]() |
set_equip_red_cloth.png |
![]() |
set_equip_red_gun.png |
![]() |
set_equip_red_nicklace.png |
![]() |
set_equip_red_pike.png |
![]() |
set_equip_red_sword.png |
Your request for help has been sent to all allies!
Immediately join an alliance to receive gold coins!
The gold coins will be sent to your mail.
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_building: %1$d of your allies are helping you build: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_upgrade: %1$d of your allies are helping you upgrade: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
other_alliance_frd_help_speedup_tech: %1$d of your allies are helping you research: %2$s, time saved:%3$s
Alliance Help
Help me %1$s%2$s
Help your allies by speeding up their countdown! The higher the level of your city hall, the more times you may be helped!
Help everybody
Helped successfully!
None of your allies are requesting help at the moment
You have not joined an alliance!
main_city_stop_make_soldier: Would you like stop training troops?
main_city_finish_make_soldier: Would you like to instantly finish training troops?
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_title">夺宝奇兵</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab1_desc">1.点击刷新有概率获得更高级宝图\n2.每次寻宝前都可以获得3(这个数值由服务器下发)次免费刷新机会\n3.寻宝后可以获得宝图所包含的随机道具和固定道具\n4.寻宝倒计时结束后不用忘记来领取宝物哦</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab2_desc">1.抢夺玩家有概率获得对应碎片\n2.抢夺战斗不会消耗士兵\n3.免战状态可以防止被其他玩家抢夺,但是也不能攻击其他玩家\n4.抢夺和防守布阵会影响竞技场阵型</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raider_tab3_desc">1.消耗对应碎片可以换取各类稀有道具</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_search">寻宝</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_raid">夺宝</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_reformation">布阵</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_rid_of_war">免战</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_button_change">换一批</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_can_search_times">寻宝次数</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_can_raid_times">夺宝次数</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_is_searching">宝藏探索中</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_refresh">点击刷新,随机解锁一种宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_0">低级宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_1">普通宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_2">高级宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_3">稀有宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_4">传说宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_5">史诗宝藏</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_desc">%s信息</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_may">可能获得</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_level_must">必定获得</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_raid_rate_label">抢夺率</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_1">宝物碎片1</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_1_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片1,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_2">宝物碎片2</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_2_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片2,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_3">宝物碎片3</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_3_DESC">用来合成宝物的碎片3,用于夺宝奇兵活动</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_4">随机碎片</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_ATY101_FRAGMENT_4_DESC">随机获得宝物碎片1~3中的一个</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_search_times_with_coin">花费金币补充一次寻宝次数,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_clear_cd_with_coin">花费金币清除cd,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_him_her">他</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid">打劫了</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_to_do_raid">企图打劫</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_fail">不过被%s击败了</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_no_item">不过什么都没抢到</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_log_do_raid_item">抢走了%1$s x%2$d</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_avoid_attack_succ">开启免战成功</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_remove_avoid_attack_succ">关闭免战成功</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_open_avoid_attack_desc">开启免战则无法抢夺其他玩家,但是也不会被其他玩家抢夺,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_close_avoid_attack_desc">关闭免战则可以抢夺其他玩家,但是也会被其他玩家抢夺,是否继续?</string>
<string name="activity_treasure_buy_attack_times_desc">花费金币补充一次夺宝次数,是否继续?</string>
<string name="mail_get_rewards_succ_desc">Please check your inventory .(Gems and equipment can be found by going to the corresponding building)</string>
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Holy Light: Every attack deals 110% damage and heals Roland for 5% of the damage dealt as hit points.
Angel's Blade:Every attack deals 120% damage and heals Roland for 10% of the damage dealt as hit points.
Steal:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 5%, and increases Goblin's attack by 10% (stacks 5 times).
Mischievous Strike:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 10%, and increases Goblin's attack by 20% (stacks 5 times).
Crafty Strike:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 15%, and increases Goblin's attack by 25% (stacks 5 times)
Crippling Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 15% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Deadly Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 25% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Fatal Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 35% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Victory Rewards
During the event, participants that are victorious in the challenges they make, will be able to collect a reward by reaching the designated amount of victories.
1.Battle: Find opponents, join in Cross-Server Player-Versus-Player combat.
2. Honor Points: Find opponents and challenge them in battle. Be victorious and win Honor Points. A defeat results in loss of Honor Points (When searching for opponents, you will not gain or lose honor points)
3. Rank: The more honor points, the higher your ranking.
4.PVP Title: The more honor points,the higher your PVP title.
5.Rewards: Rewards include a Challenger reward, a Ranking reward and a PVP Title.
6.Every day, when initiating a challenge, your first %1$d victories will give a random reward after the battle ends.
7.Rank Reward: When the event ends, participants will be given a reward according to their rank. The higher you rank, the better the reward.
8.PVP Title reward: When a player obtains a PVP Title, they will be able to collect the reward for that title.
9.Participants that are victorious in the challenges they make, whom acquire the designated amount of victories will be able to collect a reward.
10.Battle losses: Troop loss will occur for each battle. Once the battle ends, %2$d%% of the troops lost will be revived.
11.Defeat Bonus: If a participant is defeated after making a challenge,they will receive a combat bonus. Every defeat grants %3$d%%, up to a maximum of %4$d%%. After being victorious, this bonus will be lost. (This BUFF can only be obtained when actively challenging others)
1. Find an opponent and challenge. If you are defeated you will receive a defeat bonus which increases your combat stats.
2. Every defeat increase attack, defense and life by %1$d%%, up to a maximum of %2$d%%.\
.This bonus is lost if you are victorious in combat.
Hero Evolution-Epic
During the event, you may evolve any 5 star legendary hero into a 6 star epic hero.
1.During the event, you may evolve any 5 star epic hero into a 6 star epic hero.
2. After a hero is evolved, the hero stays at the same level and keeps their rebirth and enhancement bonuses.
You do not have a 5 star epic hero
Are you sure you want to evolve %s into a 6 star epic hero? After a hero is evolved, the hero stays at the same level and keeps their rebirth and enhancement bonuses.
Saint - Joan of Arc
4S, 6 Star Hero. Holy Blade: When attack a target, there is a 30% chance to deal 40% damage to 2 random nearby targets. The main target that is attacked takes 100% damage
Wind Runner - Atlanta
4S, 6 Star Hero. Double Damage: There is a 15% chance to deal double damage to the target; Volley: There is a 15% chance to attack the main target and also deal 60% damage to the two units behind.
4S, Super 5 Star Hero, Slaughter: When attacking, if the target has less troops than Leo, he will deal an extra 30% damage.
4S, 6 Star Hero, Slaughter: When attacking, if the target has less troops than Leo, he will deal an extra 30% damage.
<string name="PACK_TYPE_CARD_HERO_DULLAHAN_TORMENTOR_DESC" formatted="false">Crash: When Dullahan dies, he will deal 240% damage to the enemy that killed him</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_NAME">Notice</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC0">Build a %1$s</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC1">Upgrade %1$s to Level %2$d</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC2">Train %d Troops</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC3">Upgrade %1$s to Level %2$d</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC4">Attack a player and be victorious %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC5">Successfully occupy a wilderness %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC6">Challenge the arena %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC7">Build %d fortifications</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC_DEFAUT">There is no guide for achievements</string>
<string name="achievement_name_101">Expanding Reserves 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_102">Expanding Reserves 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_103">Grain Hoarder 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_104">Grain Hoarder 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_105">Impenetrable 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_106">Impenetrable 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_107">Great Aim 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_108">Great Aim 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_109">Brave Knight 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_110">Brave Knight 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_111">Necessary Tactic 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_112">Necessary Tactic 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_113">Fortified 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_114">Fortified 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_115">Wood Production 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_116">Wood Production 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_117">Food Supplies 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_118">Food Supplies 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_119">Power Surge 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_120">Power Surge2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_121">Path to Recovery</string>
<string name="achievement_name_122">Improving Defenses</string>
<string name="achievement_name_123">Arena Lover</string>
<string name="achievement_name_124">Conquests</string>
<string name="achievement_name_125">Invincible</string>
<string name="achievement_name_126">Be prepared</string>
<string name="achievement_name_127">Godly Weapons</string>
<string name="achievement_name_128">Train Heroes</string>
<string name="achievement_name_129">Research Technology</string>
<string name="LOGIN_ERROR_CAN_NOT_FOUND_USERNAME_BY_OTHER_CREDENTIALS">Login failed. Your game progress cannot be found.</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_4">Unable to attack the inner Imperial City Wall, destroy the outer wall first!</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_5">Please wait for the Imperial City battle to end!</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_6">Unable to attack the outer Imperial City Wall, eliminate the defenders first!</string>
Holy Light: Every attack deals 110% damage and heals Roland for 5% of the damage dealt as hit points.
Angel's Blade:Every attack deals 120% damage and heals Roland for 10% of the damage dealt as hit points.
Steal:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 5%, and increases Goblin's attack by 10% (stacks 5 times).
Mischievous Strike:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 10%, and increases Goblin's attack by 20% (stacks 5 times).
Crafty Strike:Every attack lowers the targets attack by 15%, and increases Goblin's attack by 25% (stacks 5 times)
Crippling Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 15% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Deadly Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 25% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Fatal Poison: When Hydra is attacked or makes an attack, the target that comes into contact with Hydra will be poisoned and receive 35% damage from Hydra for each round of combat until the end of the battle. Similar effects do not stack.
Victory Rewards
During the event, participants that are victorious in the challenges they make, will be able to collect a reward by reaching the designated amount of victories.
1.Battle: Find opponents, join in Cross-Server Player-Versus-Player combat.
2. Honor Points: Find opponents and challenge them in battle. Be victorious and win Honor Points. A defeat results in loss of Honor Points (When searching for opponents, you will not gain or lose honor points)
3. Rank: The more honor points, the higher your ranking.
4.PVP Title: The more honor points,the higher your PVP title.
5.Rewards: Rewards include a Challenger reward, a Ranking reward and a PVP Title.
6.Every day, when initiating a challenge, your first %1$d victories will give a random reward after the battle ends.
7.Rank Reward: When the event ends, participants will be given a reward according to their rank. The higher you rank, the better the reward.
8.PVP Title reward: When a player obtains a PVP Title, they will be able to collect the reward for that title.
9.Participants that are victorious in the challenges they make, whom acquire the designated amount of victories will be able to collect a reward.
10.Battle losses: Troop loss will occur for each battle. Once the battle ends, %2$d%% of the troops lost will be revived.
11.Defeat Bonus: If a participant is defeated after making a challenge,they will receive a combat bonus. Every defeat grants %3$d%%, up to a maximum of %4$d%%. After being victorious, this bonus will be lost. (This BUFF can only be obtained when actively challenging others)
1. Find an opponent and challenge. If you are defeated you will receive a defeat bonus which increases your combat stats.
2. Every defeat increase attack, defense and life by %1$d%%, up to a maximum of %2$d%%.\
.This bonus is lost if you are victorious in combat.
Hero Evolution-Epic
During the event, you may evolve any 5 star legendary hero into a 6 star epic hero.
1.During the event, you may evolve any 5 star epic hero into a 6 star epic hero.
2. After a hero is evolved, the hero stays at the same level and keeps their rebirth and enhancement bonuses.
You do not have a 5 star epic hero
Are you sure you want to evolve %s into a 6 star epic hero? After a hero is evolved, the hero stays at the same level and keeps their rebirth and enhancement bonuses.
Saint - Joan of Arc
4S, 6 Star Hero. Holy Blade: When attack a target, there is a 30% chance to deal 40% damage to 2 random nearby targets. The main target that is attacked takes 100% damage
Wind Runner - Atlanta
4S, 6 Star Hero. Double Damage: There is a 15% chance to deal double damage to the target; Volley: There is a 15% chance to attack the main target and also deal 60% damage to the two units behind.
4S, Super 5 Star Hero, Slaughter: When attacking, if the target has less troops than Leo, he will deal an extra 30% damage.
4S, 6 Star Hero, Slaughter: When attacking, if the target has less troops than Leo, he will deal an extra 30% damage.
<string name="PACK_TYPE_CARD_HERO_DULLAHAN_TORMENTOR_DESC" formatted="false">Crash: When Dullahan dies, he will deal 240% damage to the enemy that killed him</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_NAME">Notice</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC0">Build a %1$s</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC1">Upgrade %1$s to Level %2$d</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC2">Train %d Troops</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC3">Upgrade %1$s to Level %2$d</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC4">Attack a player and be victorious %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC5">Successfully occupy a wilderness %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC6">Challenge the arena %d times</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC7">Build %d fortifications</string>
<string name="NOPVE_TASKGUIDE_DESC_DEFAUT">There is no guide for achievements</string>
<string name="achievement_name_101">Expanding Reserves 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_102">Expanding Reserves 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_103">Grain Hoarder 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_104">Grain Hoarder 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_105">Impenetrable 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_106">Impenetrable 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_107">Great Aim 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_108">Great Aim 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_109">Brave Knight 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_110">Brave Knight 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_111">Necessary Tactic 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_112">Necessary Tactic 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_113">Fortified 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_114">Fortified 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_115">Wood Production 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_116">Wood Production 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_117">Food Supplies 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_118">Food Supplies 2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_119">Power Surge 1</string>
<string name="achievement_name_120">Power Surge2</string>
<string name="achievement_name_121">Path to Recovery</string>
<string name="achievement_name_122">Improving Defenses</string>
<string name="achievement_name_123">Arena Lover</string>
<string name="achievement_name_124">Conquests</string>
<string name="achievement_name_125">Invincible</string>
<string name="achievement_name_126">Be prepared</string>
<string name="achievement_name_127">Godly Weapons</string>
<string name="achievement_name_128">Train Heroes</string>
<string name="achievement_name_129">Research Technology</string>
<string name="LOGIN_ERROR_CAN_NOT_FOUND_USERNAME_BY_OTHER_CREDENTIALS">Login failed. Your game progress cannot be found.</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_4">Unable to attack the inner Imperial City Wall, destroy the outer wall first!</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_5">Please wait for the Imperial City battle to end!</string>
<string name="Alliance_War_Challenge_Fail_6">Unable to attack the outer Imperial City Wall, eliminate the defenders first!</string>
hero evolution,
victory rewards
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Dragon Slayer-Siegfried
Dragon's Rage: Every attack deals 110% damage to the target and increases Siegfried's defense by 5%.(This defense bonus stacks 10 times).
Dragon Skin: Siegfried is immune to all "area of effect" damage where he is not the main target of the attack.(Does not include: Counter attack skills and skills activated upon death).
Blood Rush: Every attack deals 120% damage to the target and increases Siegfried's defense by 10%.(This defense bonus stacks 10 times).
Dragon Skin: Siegfried is immune to all "area of effect"damage where he is not the main target of the attack .(Does not include: Counter-attack skills and skills activated upon death).
Also updated the hero heads for the specter heroes from v2.3.41 which use to be all the same.
Flying Colors
During the event, motivating a hero in training grants %d times the experience.
During the event, the first 'motivate' of the day is free.
"Flying Colors" is now on-line. Give your heroes in training a boost. Motivation now grants %d times the experience.
Complete all tasks and receive a special hero as your reward.
Are you sure you wish to dismiss this hero? Once a hero is dismissed it will be lost and cannot be recovered.
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to begin training %2$s? 8 hours of training rewards %3$d experience.
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly upgrade %2$s?
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly train %2$s?
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly upgrade %2$s?
Do you wish to use 40 gold coins to convert a minor heraldry into a major heraldry? Tap confirm to complete the exchange. Tap cancel to end the exchange.
Failed to reinforce! Insufficient amount of this type of troop.
Full Reinforcement
Training Ground
Training Effect
March unsuccessful. The target location will disappear before you troops arrive.
If you release the training ground now, you will not receive the maximum amount of experience. Upon abandoning the wilderness it will disappear. Do you wish to continue?
Locate a training ground
Enemy fortifications have destroyed %s
Your hero %s, has been defeated!
Your fortifications have destroyed %s.
The enemy\'s hero %s, has perished!
Warning: You have selected a high quality gem as a material for gem synthesis. This gem will be lost upon synthesis and cannot be recovered.
A high quality gem has been selected as a material for gem synthesis. Do you wish to continue? Warning: This gem will be lost upon synthesis and cannot be recovered.
1. Experience cards equivalent to the amount of hero experience gained from occupying the training ground will be sent to your mail box. Rewards will be sent out once the occupation of the training ground ends.
2. The conversion into experience cards will be counted by the 100.
Dragon Slayer-Siegfried
Dragon's Rage: Every attack deals 110% damage to the target and increases Siegfried's defense by 5%.(This defense bonus stacks 10 times).
Dragon Skin: Siegfried is immune to all "area of effect" damage where he is not the main target of the attack.(Does not include: Counter attack skills and skills activated upon death).
Blood Rush: Every attack deals 120% damage to the target and increases Siegfried's defense by 10%.(This defense bonus stacks 10 times).
Dragon Skin: Siegfried is immune to all "area of effect"damage where he is not the main target of the attack .(Does not include: Counter-attack skills and skills activated upon death).
Also updated the hero heads for the specter heroes from v2.3.41 which use to be all the same.
Flying Colors
![]() |
breakover_mul_bg.jpg |
During the event, motivating a hero in training grants %d times the experience.
During the event, the first 'motivate' of the day is free.
![]() |
breakover_mul_iron.jpg |
"Flying Colors" is now on-line. Give your heroes in training a boost. Motivation now grants %d times the experience.
Complete all tasks and receive a special hero as your reward.
Are you sure you wish to dismiss this hero? Once a hero is dismissed it will be lost and cannot be recovered.
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to begin training %2$s? 8 hours of training rewards %3$d experience.
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly upgrade %2$s?
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly train %2$s?
Are you sure you want to use %1$d gold coins to instantly upgrade %2$s?
Do you wish to use 40 gold coins to convert a minor heraldry into a major heraldry? Tap confirm to complete the exchange. Tap cancel to end the exchange.
Failed to reinforce! Insufficient amount of this type of troop.
Full Reinforcement
Training Ground
Training Effect
March unsuccessful. The target location will disappear before you troops arrive.
If you release the training ground now, you will not receive the maximum amount of experience. Upon abandoning the wilderness it will disappear. Do you wish to continue?
Locate a training ground
Enemy fortifications have destroyed %s
Your hero %s, has been defeated!
Your fortifications have destroyed %s.
The enemy\'s hero %s, has perished!
Warning: You have selected a high quality gem as a material for gem synthesis. This gem will be lost upon synthesis and cannot be recovered.
A high quality gem has been selected as a material for gem synthesis. Do you wish to continue? Warning: This gem will be lost upon synthesis and cannot be recovered.
1. Experience cards equivalent to the amount of hero experience gained from occupying the training ground will be sent to your mail box. Rewards will be sent out once the occupation of the training ground ends.
2. The conversion into experience cards will be counted by the 100.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Gigagntic Strength: Every attack deals 120% damage to the target, but also inflicts 20% of this damage to Beowulf.
Standing Legend-Beowulf
Gigantic Slam: Every attack deals 140% damage to the target, but also inflicts 20% of this damage to Beowulf.
Playful Specter
Spirit Flame: Upon the death of this hero, deal 25% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
Pumpkin Specter
Death Fire: Upon the death of this hero, deal 50% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
Death Specter
Spirit Barrage: Upon the death of this hero , deal 65% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
Month Card
1. Purchase a Month Card and collect large amounts of gold coins every day!
2.Purchase $%1$s gold coins to buy a Month Card. Not only will you receive %2$d gold coins immediately, but be able to collect %3$d gold coins every day, for %4$d days, totalling %5$d gold coins. A discount amounting to %6$d%%. What are you waiting for!
3. Daily Month Card rewards must be collected every day. The gold coins do not accumulate!
Next Collection At:
1. Refresh the tavern, recruit heroes and win event points which can be exchanged for great rewards.
2. After refreshing the tavern, if better heroes show up, you win more event points.
a)If a 2 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
b)If a 3 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
c)If a 4 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
d)If a 5 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
e)If a 6 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
3.Participants will be ranked and rewarded according to the number of event points they accumulate.
4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
1. Alliance members can not attack each other.
2. Members of the alliance must donate resources together to upgrade the alliance. Once reaching the upgrade conditions, the leader may choose to manually upgrade the alliance, which will use up the required resources.
3. As the level of the alliance increase: Alliance member capacity and the upper limit of alliance technology will increase.
4.The leader of an alliance can promote a member to deputy leader or demote a deputy leader to member.
5. The leader and deputy leader of an alliance have permission to accept player applications to the alliance and configure the alliance announcement. The leader has permission to kick members from the alliance.
6. If the leader of an alliance is inactive for more than a week,the deputy leader will temporarily gain permission to kick members from the alliance. In order to maintain normal management of an alliance, if the alliance does not have a deputy leader, an active member with the most contribution points will be promoted to deputy leader.
6* Bahram
<string name = "complete_task_desc1_new">Bahram has not reached level %1$d. Would you like to use %2$d gold coins to upgrade him immediately.</string>
<string name = "pay_result_desc3_new">Congratulations, Bahram has been upgraded to a 6 Star Epic Hero</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc1">Bahram reaches Level %d</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc2">Purchase Light of Vengeance</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc3">Purchase Forgotten Sands</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc4">Purchase Heart of Warrior </string>
<string name = "persia_tip_new">Complete Bahram\'s Epic quest line to upgrade him from a 5 star legendary hero to a 6 star epic hero.</string>
<string name = "persia_tips2">Bahram-Epic</string>
<string name = "persia_lv_limit">Attention: Due to the level restrictions of the training stadium, Bahram can only reach level %1$d. Would you like to use %2$d gold coins to instantly level him?</string>
Setting Exchange
<string name="PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_NAME">Motivation Card</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_DESC">Motivating a hero in training will first use up motivation cards</string>
<string name="facebook_task_reward_tips_new">All steps need to be completed in order to collect a special Hero Reward.</string>
<string name = "PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_DESC2">Replaces gold coins when motivating heroes</string>
Gigagntic Strength: Every attack deals 120% damage to the target, but also inflicts 20% of this damage to Beowulf.
Standing Legend-Beowulf
Gigantic Slam: Every attack deals 140% damage to the target, but also inflicts 20% of this damage to Beowulf.
Playful Specter
Spirit Flame: Upon the death of this hero, deal 25% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
Pumpkin Specter
Death Fire: Upon the death of this hero, deal 50% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
Death Specter
Spirit Barrage: Upon the death of this hero , deal 65% of initial attack damage to all enemy units.
The Specter hero head are all the same, it isn't that I've just used the same one not realizing, also another spelling mistake on Lord-Beowulf skill Gigagntic Strength (should be Gigantic Strength).
Month Card
1. Purchase a Month Card and collect large amounts of gold coins every day!
2.Purchase $%1$s gold coins to buy a Month Card. Not only will you receive %2$d gold coins immediately, but be able to collect %3$d gold coins every day, for %4$d days, totalling %5$d gold coins. A discount amounting to %6$d%%. What are you waiting for!
3. Daily Month Card rewards must be collected every day. The gold coins do not accumulate!
Next Collection At:
1. Refresh the tavern, recruit heroes and win event points which can be exchanged for great rewards.
2. After refreshing the tavern, if better heroes show up, you win more event points.
a)If a 2 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
b)If a 3 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
c)If a 4 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
d)If a 5 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
e)If a 6 Star Hero appears, you receive %d event points.
3.Participants will be ranked and rewarded according to the number of event points they accumulate.
4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
1. Alliance members can not attack each other.
2. Members of the alliance must donate resources together to upgrade the alliance. Once reaching the upgrade conditions, the leader may choose to manually upgrade the alliance, which will use up the required resources.
3. As the level of the alliance increase: Alliance member capacity and the upper limit of alliance technology will increase.
4.The leader of an alliance can promote a member to deputy leader or demote a deputy leader to member.
5. The leader and deputy leader of an alliance have permission to accept player applications to the alliance and configure the alliance announcement. The leader has permission to kick members from the alliance.
6. If the leader of an alliance is inactive for more than a week,the deputy leader will temporarily gain permission to kick members from the alliance. In order to maintain normal management of an alliance, if the alliance does not have a deputy leader, an active member with the most contribution points will be promoted to deputy leader.
6* Bahram
<string name = "complete_task_desc1_new">Bahram has not reached level %1$d. Would you like to use %2$d gold coins to upgrade him immediately.</string>
<string name = "pay_result_desc3_new">Congratulations, Bahram has been upgraded to a 6 Star Epic Hero</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc1">Bahram reaches Level %d</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc2">Purchase Light of Vengeance</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc3">Purchase Forgotten Sands</string>
<string name = "persia_task_desc4">Purchase Heart of Warrior </string>
<string name = "persia_tip_new">Complete Bahram\'s Epic quest line to upgrade him from a 5 star legendary hero to a 6 star epic hero.</string>
<string name = "persia_tips2">Bahram-Epic</string>
<string name = "persia_lv_limit">Attention: Due to the level restrictions of the training stadium, Bahram can only reach level %1$d. Would you like to use %2$d gold coins to instantly level him?</string>
Setting Exchange
![]() |
setting_exchange.png |
<string name="PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_NAME">Motivation Card</string>
<string name="PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_DESC">Motivating a hero in training will first use up motivation cards</string>
<string name="facebook_task_reward_tips_new">All steps need to be completed in order to collect a special Hero Reward.</string>
<string name = "PACK_TYPE_BREAKOUT_COUPON_DESC2">Replaces gold coins when motivating heroes</string>
Monday, 29 September 2014
Goddess of Fate
Fate's Judgement: Every attack deals 120% damage and is divided equally across all enemy units.
Wheel of Fate: For every unit that is attacked, there is a 25% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
30 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 30 days
7 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 7 days
3 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 3 days
1 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 1 days
Open to receive a random item
Removed irreverent content or moved content, in 2.3.37 to 2.3.39 some events appeared twice (in the strings, explaining why there was a lot of events in 2.3.37).
Due to enemy fortifications, you have lost %s.
Your hero %s has perished!
Your fortifications have destroyed %s belonging to the enemy
Enemy hero %s has perished!
<string name="ACTIVITY_CLOSED">The event has not begun.</string>
<string name="client_sever_data_different">The Server and client have not synchronised. Please wait and try again.</string>
<string name = "Interim_chief">Temporary Leader</string>
gicons (icons, inserted some below with their file names):
Goddess of Fate
Fate's Judgement: Every attack deals 120% damage and is divided equally across all enemy units.
Wheel of Fate: For every unit that is attacked, there is a 25% chance to silence the enenmy, disabling their skill for 1 round of combat.
Spelling mistake on their end of enemy, which I have notified them about, Screenshot below:
30 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 30 days
7 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 7 days
3 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 3 days
1 Day VIP Card
Activates VIP for 1 days
Open to receive a random item
Removed irreverent content or moved content, in 2.3.37 to 2.3.39 some events appeared twice (in the strings, explaining why there was a lot of events in 2.3.37).
Due to enemy fortifications, you have lost %s.
Your hero %s has perished!
Your fortifications have destroyed %s belonging to the enemy
Enemy hero %s has perished!
<string name="ACTIVITY_CLOSED">The event has not begun.</string>
<string name="client_sever_data_different">The Server and client have not synchronised. Please wait and try again.</string>
<string name = "Interim_chief">Temporary Leader</string>
gicons (icons, inserted some below with their file names):
![]() |
gicon_lottery.png |
![]() |
gicon_mystery_shop2.jpg |
![]() |
gicon_mystery_shop2.png |
![]() |
gicon_mystery_shop.jpg |
![]() |
gicon_wanted.png |
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Some stings organised (no new data)
SHA1-Digest changes in the MANIFEST (debuged?)
Spelling mistake:
<string name="set_equip_property_16">The ffect of hero's defensive skill is increased by %1$d%%</string>
<string name="barrack_new_desc">The higher the average level of a troop building, the greater the increase in a unit\'s stats.</string>
<string name="barrack_new_desc">Unit attribute increases with the average level of a type of troop building.</string>
<string name="hit_event">Beat Event</string>
<string name="hit_event">Hammer Mayhem</string>
<string name="Alliance_Random_Reward">Random Reward</string>
<string name="Alliance_Random_Reward">Alliance Lottery</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_failed_tips">The Hero you are improving can not be used as a material for Rebirth.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_failed_tips">Rebirth Failed: A hero in training can not be used as a rebirth material.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_free_tips">Reduced to 1 rank.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_fee_tips">Level Constant.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_free_tips">Hero level reduced to 1.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_fee_tips">Hero level does not change.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_down">Your rank has dropped to rank %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_up">Your rank has increased to rank %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_now">A few moments.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_min">A few minutes.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_hour">Less than an hour</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_day">Less than a day</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_down">Your rank has dropped by %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_up">Your rank has increased by %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_now">moment ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_min">minutes ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_hour">hours ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_day">days ago</string>
Some stings organised (no new data)
SHA1-Digest changes in the MANIFEST (debuged?)
Spelling mistake:
<string name="set_equip_property_16">The ffect of hero's defensive skill is increased by %1$d%%</string>
<string name="barrack_new_desc">The higher the average level of a troop building, the greater the increase in a unit\'s stats.</string>
<string name="barrack_new_desc">Unit attribute increases with the average level of a type of troop building.</string>
<string name="hit_event">Beat Event</string>
<string name="hit_event">Hammer Mayhem</string>
<string name="Alliance_Random_Reward">Random Reward</string>
<string name="Alliance_Random_Reward">Alliance Lottery</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_failed_tips">The Hero you are improving can not be used as a material for Rebirth.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_failed_tips">Rebirth Failed: A hero in training can not be used as a rebirth material.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_free_tips">Reduced to 1 rank.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_fee_tips">Level Constant.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_free_tips">Hero level reduced to 1.</string>
<string name="hero_rebirth_fee_tips">Hero level does not change.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_down">Your rank has dropped to rank %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_up">Your rank has increased to rank %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_now">A few moments.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_min">A few minutes.</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_hour">Less than an hour</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_day">Less than a day</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_down">Your rank has dropped by %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_up">Your rank has increased by %1$d</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_now">moment ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_min">minutes ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_hour">hours ago</string>
<string name="arena_ranking_time_day">days ago</string>
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Heart Strike:Every attack deals additional damage equal to the percentage of troops the target has lost, up to a maximum of 30% additional damage.
Enemy of the State-Antonius
Die by the Sword:Every attack deals additional damage equal to the percentage of troops the target has lost, up to a maximum of 60% additional damage.
HERO GOD OF LUCK (New Description)
Blessing of Luck: When is combat, all friendly heroes gain a BUFF which increases the activation chance of their skills by 20% (Effective on suppression skills. This Buff does not stack)</string>
snowball (desc long new)
Attack the thief using magic briquettes and win rewards. Hit the thief %d times to win the final reward.
1. Complete daily tasks to acquire Magic Briquettes.
2. There is a chance to receive magic briquettes from the Magic tower and through attacking player cities.
3. You can also purchase magic briquettes directly using gold coins.
Copper Tavern
changed from "Acquire 1~3 Star Heroes" to "Acquire 1~5 Star Heroes"
Can't be used repeatedly! Buff is currently active.
Please wait for the timer to end
Can't be used repeatedly! Buff is on cooldown.
Please wait for the cooldown timer to end!
<string name="forgot_pwd_with_unbind_mail_tips">Your account is not bound to an email. Please contact our support team who will help you with this issue.</string>
<string name="contact_services_label">Contact Us</string>
<string name="linkage_name_58">Ally</string>
<string name="linkage_name_158">Ally-</string>
<string name="Investigate_map_city_zhanlipin">War Loot</string>
<string name="Investigate_map_city_defense">Fortifications</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_4_new">Tap “FREE” to quickly build a granary! When seeing “FREE” you can tap it to instantly complete an action for free!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_12">Now the best way to improve the might of your empire, is to upgrade the city hall. The city hall determines the maximum level of all of your buildings!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_13">Your city is ready to go! Your city will receive a protective barrier, lasting 24 hours, making you immune to all attacks. Use this time wisely to build up forces and strengthen your empire!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_14">Good luck! Before our farewells, remember that you can earn gold coins by completing achievements, which will allow you to speed up the development of your city. Now, take charge! A world of mystery and wonder awaits you!</string>
<string name="your_pwd_is_too_simple_tips">Your password is too simple. For the safety of your account, we recommend changing your password.</string>
<string name="can_not_be_use_label">Cannot be used multiple times. Please wait for the cool-down to end!</string>
<string name="how_to_get_equips_tips_new">You have not acquired some necessary equipment. Equipment can be won from events!</string>
<string name="STATUS_ERROR_OCCUPY_LIMIT_1">Occupation failed! In order to occupy more wildernesses you must reach level %d.</string>
<string name="STATUS_ERROR_OCCUPY_LIMIT_2">Occupation failed! You have reached the maximum number of wildernesses you may occupy.</string>
<string name="TOAST_OF_GET_HERO_CARD">Collection successful. Please check your inventory.。</string>
Heart Strike:Every attack deals additional damage equal to the percentage of troops the target has lost, up to a maximum of 30% additional damage.
Enemy of the State-Antonius
Die by the Sword:Every attack deals additional damage equal to the percentage of troops the target has lost, up to a maximum of 60% additional damage.
HERO GOD OF LUCK (New Description)
Blessing of Luck: When is combat, all friendly heroes gain a BUFF which increases the activation chance of their skills by 20% (Effective on suppression skills. This Buff does not stack)</string>
snowball (desc long new)
Attack the thief using magic briquettes and win rewards. Hit the thief %d times to win the final reward.
1. Complete daily tasks to acquire Magic Briquettes.
2. There is a chance to receive magic briquettes from the Magic tower and through attacking player cities.
3. You can also purchase magic briquettes directly using gold coins.
Copper Tavern
changed from "Acquire 1~3 Star Heroes" to "Acquire 1~5 Star Heroes"
Can't be used repeatedly! Buff is currently active.
Please wait for the timer to end
Can't be used repeatedly! Buff is on cooldown.
Please wait for the cooldown timer to end!
<string name="forgot_pwd_with_unbind_mail_tips">Your account is not bound to an email. Please contact our support team who will help you with this issue.</string>
<string name="contact_services_label">Contact Us</string>
<string name="linkage_name_58">Ally</string>
<string name="linkage_name_158">Ally-</string>
<string name="Investigate_map_city_zhanlipin">War Loot</string>
<string name="Investigate_map_city_defense">Fortifications</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_4_new">Tap “FREE” to quickly build a granary! When seeing “FREE” you can tap it to instantly complete an action for free!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_12">Now the best way to improve the might of your empire, is to upgrade the city hall. The city hall determines the maximum level of all of your buildings!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_13">Your city is ready to go! Your city will receive a protective barrier, lasting 24 hours, making you immune to all attacks. Use this time wisely to build up forces and strengthen your empire!</string>
<string name="newer_version5_dalog_desc_14">Good luck! Before our farewells, remember that you can earn gold coins by completing achievements, which will allow you to speed up the development of your city. Now, take charge! A world of mystery and wonder awaits you!</string>
<string name="your_pwd_is_too_simple_tips">Your password is too simple. For the safety of your account, we recommend changing your password.</string>
<string name="can_not_be_use_label">Cannot be used multiple times. Please wait for the cool-down to end!</string>
<string name="how_to_get_equips_tips_new">You have not acquired some necessary equipment. Equipment can be won from events!</string>
<string name="STATUS_ERROR_OCCUPY_LIMIT_1">Occupation failed! In order to occupy more wildernesses you must reach level %d.</string>
<string name="STATUS_ERROR_OCCUPY_LIMIT_2">Occupation failed! You have reached the maximum number of wildernesses you may occupy.</string>
<string name="TOAST_OF_GET_HERO_CARD">Collection successful. Please check your inventory.。</string>
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Bahram (6 star)
Terror blade:Every Attack has a 100% chance to deal 130% damage to the target.
Boundless Conviction: From his second attack until the end of battle, all damage received is decreased by 20%.
Bastion of Defense: From his second attack until the end of battle, all damage received is decreased by 50%.
Make a small initial donation and collect greater temple rewards over time, with a return of %1$d%%.
1.Use %2$d gold coins in a temple donation, and collect 1 temple reward every %1$d days.
2.Reward: %3$d gold coins + %4$d copper coins, which can be collected a total of %5$d times. Valued at: %6$d gold coins + %7$d copper coins!
Gem Joy
lottery_desc_new: Acquire 1 star of luck for every gold coin exploration, which can be used for gem prize-draws.
exchange_desc: Upon reaching the required amount of gold coin explorations, you may trade in low-level gems for a valuable rewards.
rank_desc_new: 1.Explore for gems and win event points, which are used to determine your you rank and rank reward.
a)3 Star Gem 1 Point
b)4 Star Gem 6 Points
c)5 Star Gem 50 Points
Tracking Down Hero (desc_new)
1.Recruit heroes from the tavern and gain points, which can be used towards winning great rewards!
2.The more valuable the hero recruited, the more event points you are rewarded.
3. Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points rewarded.\n4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Wildpangold (desc_long)
1.Use a treasure finding shovel for a chance to find a random reward.
2.Treasure finding shovels can be acquired by making a gold coin purchase.
a)Every time you accumulate %1$d gold coins purchased, you receive *1 basic treasure finding shovel
b)Every time you accumulate %1$d gold coins purchased, you receive *1 advanced treasure finding shovel.
3.There is a chance to receive a treasure finding shovel from attacking unoccupied wildernesses. The higher the level of the unoccupied wilderness, the greater the chance of receiving a treasure finding shovel.
Hero Challenge
1.Legendary heroes are taking over the world map. By challenging the hero enough times you can recruit the hero for free.
2.The Heroes will refresh once every 2 hours at random coordinates on the world map and remain for 30 minutes.
3.every time you challenge the hero you need to spend %d event points, which can be collected by performing specific tasks.
4. You can purchase successful challenge attempts during the reward collection time.
Activity Online Gift (desc detail)
1.After being online for a certain amount of time, you will be able to collect a gift.
2.After opening all gifts, you will be able to collect a mystery gift.
3. After collecting a gift, the timer for the next gift will begin, until all rewards have been collected.
4. The event timer will be reset at 00:00:00 server time everyday.
1.Treasure market items require hero fragments.
2.You will receive hero fragments when dismissing basic heroes
3.Dismiss legendary and epic heroes to receive large amounts of hero fragments.
4.Gold Refresh: Use gold coins to immediately refresh the items of the treasure market.
5.Free refresh: The first 2 refreshes each day will be free.
King of World Daily (long_desc)
1.Complete designated tasks to win event points, which can be traded in for great rewards.
2.Once the maximum task completion amount is reached, no more points can be won.
3.Task completion amount will be reset everyday at 00:00:00 server time.
4.Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points accumulated. Rewards must be collected.
5.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Mystery Shop Activity (tips_long)
1.Select valuable items will be on sale at a great discount!
2.Daily Grand Prize: The Grand Prize is updated every day.
3.Free Refresh: Every day, you may refresh the list of items available 3 times. The first is free. There is a 30 minute cooldown between the 1st and 2nd refresh, and 90 minute cooldown between the 2nd and 3rd refresh.
4.Payed refresh: Use 2 gold coins to instantly refresh the list of items available.
Christmas Welfare (tips_long)
Event Rules:
1.Donate gold coins and instantly receive more in return!
2.Every participant has 5 donation chances a day.
Empire Overlord (Event_Rule_Tip)
1.Event points can be used on prize draws. The greater the cost of the prize draw, the higher the value of prizes rewarded (points used on prize draws will not affect ranking.
2. Participants can win event points through designated tasks.
3.Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points accumulated.
4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Treasure Map (reward_desc)
1.Attack player cities and steal their treasure maps. (Every participant starts with 100 treasure maps)
2.The more treasure maps a participant has, the greater the final copper coin reward.
3. Participants will be ranked according to the number of treasure maps they have. The top 5 participants will receive an additional gold coin reward.
4.If two players have the same number of treasure maps, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
1.Occupy a specific wilderness and win event points according the amount of time you hold the wilderness.
2.Alliances will also be ranked according to the sum of the event points of all members, and win a reward.
3. According to the rank of an Alliance, the alliance reward will be distributed evenly to all members. The alliance leader will receive a leader\'s reward.
4. Boost morale will increase the force of your heroes.
Hit Event (tip_detail)
1.Select your hammer and reward and start hammering for a chance to win.
a)You will win your selected reward through a lucky "hammering".
b)If you are unlucky you will still win useful items.
2. The higher the quality of the hammer, the greater the chance of a lucky "hammering".
3.Both hammering and purchasing gold coins rewards event points, which can be exchanged for prizes.
4.Participants will be ranked according to the number of event points they have. Players with a higher ranking can win additional rewards.
Challenge Hero (tips)
1. Win resources according to the amount of time you occupy an arena.
2. The longer you occupy an arena, the more resources you win.
3.After being defeated or upon recalling your heroes, the timer will be paused. If you reoccupy the arena, the timer will unpause.
4.You can simultaneously occupy multiple arenas. Everyday, at 00:00:00 server time, rewards can be collected.
5. There is no troop loss in this event.
lover_day (tip1_new) [Renamed Lily Event?]
Collect lilies and win prizes corresponding to the amount accumulated.
hero strengthen multiply (tips)
During the event, hero enhancements for both attack and defense will be doubled! Make sure you make the most of this event!
pve tower extra exp (rule)
During the event, hero experience received in the Magic Tower will be multiplied by %d! Make sure you make the most of this event!
gem exp tip (desc1)
Note: During the event, gem fragments can be exchanged for experience gems and super experience gems in the 'gem exchange' page.
activity herocomeback (desc new)
During the event, reach the collection conditions to win the corresponding prize.
Daily Reward: Everyday, accumulatively spend a designated amount of gold coins on hero recruitment to win rewards.
Incremental Reward: during the event, accumulatively spend gold coins on hero recruitment. Upon reaching a reward condition, a prize can be collected.
During the event, special rewards can be won if you recruit specific heroes from the tavern.
Note: You must successfully recruit these heroes during the event to meet the collection requirements for a corresponding reward.
Christmas hero collect (tips_v2)
During the event, collect all target heroes and evolve them into epic heroes together.</string>
hero evolution (rule)
1.During the event, every participant has 1 chance to evolve any legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero.
2.After the hero is evolved, the hero\'s level will be reset to 1 and reincarnation times to 0.
3.Every participant has 1 hero evolution chance.
4.In order to evolve a legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero, 4 different materials are needed.
a)The Elixir of Evolution can be acquired by reaching 80 points in daily missions. You can also acquire it immediately using %d gold coins.
b)The Gem of Evolution is dropped by monsters in the Magic Tower. You can also acquire it immediately using %2$d gold coins.
c)The Medal of Evolution can be won in the Arena. You can also acquire it immediately using %3$d gold coins.
d)The Scroll of Evolution costs %4$d gold coins.
gem alchemyview (tip_desc)
1.Gem alchemy upgrades a designated 5 star gem into a 6 star gem, and requires gem fragments, soul crystals and gold coins.
2.Gems that are socketed on to equipment will not appear in this gem list. Remove the gem to select it for alchemy.
activity recharge (tips)
1.During the event, participants will be ranked according to the amount of gold coins. The top 20 participants will receive valuable rewards
2.If two players have purchased the same amount of gold, the first to reach an amount will be ranked ahead.
1.A fully reincarnated legendary 4 star hero can be evolved into a legendary 5 star hero.
2.After the hero is evolved, the hero\'s level will be reset to 1 and reincarnation times to 0.
3.In order to evolve a legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero, 4 different materials are needed.
a)The Elixir of Evolution can be acquired by reaching 80 points in daily missions. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
b)The Gem of Evolution is dropped by monsters in the Magic Tower. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
c)The Medal of Evolution can be won in the Arena. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
d)The Scroll of Evolution can be won from attacking player cities. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
war game (tip)
1.Attack specific player cities and win honour points, which can be exchanged for rewards.
2.The list of opponents can be refreshed.
a)The list can be refreshed a certain number of times a day.
b)You can refresh the list once after defeating all opponents.
c)You can also use honour points to refresh the list immediately.
3.If the defender is victorious in battle against an attack, the defender will win honour points.
4.When attacking an opponent on the event list, the marching time to them will be reduced significantly.
5.Every participant has a fixed number of attacks and defenses per day. Once this number is exceeded, honour will no longer be rewarded.
war_game_honor_tip: Honour points can be traded in for prizes.
1.Clear the 'uncharted' stages listed in the event for a chance to win additional rewards.
2. The list of uncharted stages will be refreshed once the event timer reaches 0.
3.Before the event timer reaches 0, you can clear the stage as many times as you want.
During the event, the chance of finding a 5 star gem through advanced (gold coin) exploration is increased by 300%.
During the event, valuable items will be on sale at a great discount. The amount of each item on sale is limited!
1.During the event, valuable items will be on sale at a great discount. The amount of each item on sale is limited!
2. 1 new item will be put on sale every now and then.
3. The list and quantity of items available is the same to all players on a server. Don\'t be late!
4. Once there are 0 items left or if the sale timer reaches 0, the discount sale for the item ends.
1.During the event, accumulatively spend a designated amount of gold coins and unlock a chest, to perform a grand prize draw.
2. Each chest of each tier can only be opened 1 time.\n3. Prizes you win from one chest won\'t appear in another. (If you unlock all chests, you will receive all the prizes found in 'prize preview'),
1.Collect and submit three types of resources. Once the amount of resources submitted reaches the reward conditions, you will be able to exchange them for a prize. (During the event, you may only exchange 1 reward)
2.Every resource submission needs to be 60%% of the warehouse\'s maximum capacity.
3.Resources can be acquired through general resource production, occupying wildernesses, attacking player cities, and via the in game store.
4.Once the event ends, if a player does not submit enough resources to claim a prize, the resources will not be refunded.
1.During the event, collect all target heroes and evolve them into epic heroes together.
2.Reincarnated Heroes can not be evolved.
1.Perform a prize draw to randomly win 1 of the heroes listed.
2.Heroes that have been drawn cannot be drawn again.
3.Every prize draw requires Gold Coins. The cost of Gold Coins will increase with every draw.
1.Lottery tickets can be won from lottery spins at the lottery building. Rewards will be handed out at 00:00:00 server time, every day.
a)Normal lottery spins reward 1 lottery ticket.
b)Advanced lottery spins reward 12 lottery tickets.
2.Each Lottery ticket grants 1 entry into the daily grand prize draw. The more lottery tickets you have, the greater the chance of wining a grand prize.
3. The prize pool reset every day. Rewards will be sent to participants via the in-game mail box
4.Prize pool information is updated once every hour.
Materials used to create set gear
Red set gear can be created using red gear and runes
Runes can be used to refresh the bonus of red set gear.
Set Gear
set_of_equipment_make_desc: Click refresh to receive a new set gear bonus.
set_of_equipment_replace_desc: The new set gear bonus will replace the original. Do you wish to continue?
set_equip_property_1: Attack+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_2: Defense+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_3: Lead+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_4: Suppress+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_5: When leading infantry, lower damage received by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_6: When leading archers, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_7: When leading cavalry, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_8: When leading catapults, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_9: Roman heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_10: Persian heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_11: Greek heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_12": Decrease marching time by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_13: Crit rate +%1$d%%
set_equip_property_14: Crit dmg +%1$d%%
set_equip_property_15: When in combat, all friendly units gain %1$d%% attack
set_equip_property_16: Effect of hero's defensive skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_17: Damage of hero's offensive skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_18: Activation chance of hero's skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_19: Every attack Bahram makes has a 100% chance to deal %1$d%% damage to the target
set_of_equipment_property_new: New set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_property_cur: Current set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_property_activity: Equipped %1$d:
"set_of_equipment_property_already_activity: Already active
set_of_equipment_property_not_activity: Not active
set_of_equipment_effect: Set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_refresh_all_property: After refreshing, receive a random set gear bonus:
Implementations/New Tips
Are you sure you want to promote %s to leader?
After promoting %s they will become the new leader of the alliance. You will lose your position as alliance leader and become a member.
Adaptive Arms
When a hero is leading troops, the troop will deal additional damage according to it'\s adaptability tier(S>A>B>C>D>E)
Evolution Panel
Your legendary 4 star hero does not meet the conditions for hero evolution.
Evolution conditions: A %d star legendary heroes that has been re-birthed %d times can be evolved in to a legendary %d star hero.
EveryDay Sale
Make a single purchase of $%s gold coins\n Receive valuable rewards!
Inconsistent Lottery Data
The current lottery data is outdated, it may affect your lottery draws. Please try again.
<string name="equipment_forging_unlock_desc">Forge will be unlocked at Lv %1$d</string>
<string name="link_3rd_link_confirm_tips_other_2">A Level %1$d empire has been detected (%2$s[LV-%1$d][Server-%3$s]) . Would you like to load it's progress? (Please Note: If your current progress is not saved, it will be lost)</string>
<string name="link_3rd_link_confirm_tips_other_2_1"> A new empire has been detected. Would you like to load it's progress? (Please Note: If your current progress is not saved, it will be lost) </string>
<string name="hero_evolution_desc_I">Hero evolution - Welfare</string>
Bahram (6 star)
Terror blade:Every Attack has a 100% chance to deal 130% damage to the target.
Boundless Conviction: From his second attack until the end of battle, all damage received is decreased by 20%.
Bastion of Defense: From his second attack until the end of battle, all damage received is decreased by 50%.
Make a small initial donation and collect greater temple rewards over time, with a return of %1$d%%.
1.Use %2$d gold coins in a temple donation, and collect 1 temple reward every %1$d days.
2.Reward: %3$d gold coins + %4$d copper coins, which can be collected a total of %5$d times. Valued at: %6$d gold coins + %7$d copper coins!
Gem Joy
lottery_desc_new: Acquire 1 star of luck for every gold coin exploration, which can be used for gem prize-draws.
exchange_desc: Upon reaching the required amount of gold coin explorations, you may trade in low-level gems for a valuable rewards.
rank_desc_new: 1.Explore for gems and win event points, which are used to determine your you rank and rank reward.
a)3 Star Gem 1 Point
b)4 Star Gem 6 Points
c)5 Star Gem 50 Points
Tracking Down Hero (desc_new)
1.Recruit heroes from the tavern and gain points, which can be used towards winning great rewards!
2.The more valuable the hero recruited, the more event points you are rewarded.
3. Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points rewarded.\n4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Wildpangold (desc_long)
1.Use a treasure finding shovel for a chance to find a random reward.
2.Treasure finding shovels can be acquired by making a gold coin purchase.
a)Every time you accumulate %1$d gold coins purchased, you receive *1 basic treasure finding shovel
b)Every time you accumulate %1$d gold coins purchased, you receive *1 advanced treasure finding shovel.
3.There is a chance to receive a treasure finding shovel from attacking unoccupied wildernesses. The higher the level of the unoccupied wilderness, the greater the chance of receiving a treasure finding shovel.
Hero Challenge
1.Legendary heroes are taking over the world map. By challenging the hero enough times you can recruit the hero for free.
2.The Heroes will refresh once every 2 hours at random coordinates on the world map and remain for 30 minutes.
3.every time you challenge the hero you need to spend %d event points, which can be collected by performing specific tasks.
4. You can purchase successful challenge attempts during the reward collection time.
Activity Online Gift (desc detail)
1.After being online for a certain amount of time, you will be able to collect a gift.
2.After opening all gifts, you will be able to collect a mystery gift.
3. After collecting a gift, the timer for the next gift will begin, until all rewards have been collected.
4. The event timer will be reset at 00:00:00 server time everyday.
1.Treasure market items require hero fragments.
2.You will receive hero fragments when dismissing basic heroes
3.Dismiss legendary and epic heroes to receive large amounts of hero fragments.
4.Gold Refresh: Use gold coins to immediately refresh the items of the treasure market.
5.Free refresh: The first 2 refreshes each day will be free.
King of World Daily (long_desc)
1.Complete designated tasks to win event points, which can be traded in for great rewards.
2.Once the maximum task completion amount is reached, no more points can be won.
3.Task completion amount will be reset everyday at 00:00:00 server time.
4.Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points accumulated. Rewards must be collected.
5.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Mystery Shop Activity (tips_long)
1.Select valuable items will be on sale at a great discount!
2.Daily Grand Prize: The Grand Prize is updated every day.
3.Free Refresh: Every day, you may refresh the list of items available 3 times. The first is free. There is a 30 minute cooldown between the 1st and 2nd refresh, and 90 minute cooldown between the 2nd and 3rd refresh.
4.Payed refresh: Use 2 gold coins to instantly refresh the list of items available.
Christmas Welfare (tips_long)
Event Rules:
1.Donate gold coins and instantly receive more in return!
2.Every participant has 5 donation chances a day.
Empire Overlord (Event_Rule_Tip)
1.Event points can be used on prize draws. The greater the cost of the prize draw, the higher the value of prizes rewarded (points used on prize draws will not affect ranking.
2. Participants can win event points through designated tasks.
3.Participants are ranked and rewarded according to the amount of event points accumulated.
4.If two players have the same number of event points, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
Treasure Map (reward_desc)
1.Attack player cities and steal their treasure maps. (Every participant starts with 100 treasure maps)
2.The more treasure maps a participant has, the greater the final copper coin reward.
3. Participants will be ranked according to the number of treasure maps they have. The top 5 participants will receive an additional gold coin reward.
4.If two players have the same number of treasure maps, the first to reach this amount will be ranked ahead.
1.Occupy a specific wilderness and win event points according the amount of time you hold the wilderness.
2.Alliances will also be ranked according to the sum of the event points of all members, and win a reward.
3. According to the rank of an Alliance, the alliance reward will be distributed evenly to all members. The alliance leader will receive a leader\'s reward.
4. Boost morale will increase the force of your heroes.
Hit Event (tip_detail)
1.Select your hammer and reward and start hammering for a chance to win.
a)You will win your selected reward through a lucky "hammering".
b)If you are unlucky you will still win useful items.
2. The higher the quality of the hammer, the greater the chance of a lucky "hammering".
3.Both hammering and purchasing gold coins rewards event points, which can be exchanged for prizes.
4.Participants will be ranked according to the number of event points they have. Players with a higher ranking can win additional rewards.
Challenge Hero (tips)
1. Win resources according to the amount of time you occupy an arena.
2. The longer you occupy an arena, the more resources you win.
3.After being defeated or upon recalling your heroes, the timer will be paused. If you reoccupy the arena, the timer will unpause.
4.You can simultaneously occupy multiple arenas. Everyday, at 00:00:00 server time, rewards can be collected.
5. There is no troop loss in this event.
lover_day (tip1_new) [Renamed Lily Event?]
Collect lilies and win prizes corresponding to the amount accumulated.
hero strengthen multiply (tips)
During the event, hero enhancements for both attack and defense will be doubled! Make sure you make the most of this event!
pve tower extra exp (rule)
During the event, hero experience received in the Magic Tower will be multiplied by %d! Make sure you make the most of this event!
gem exp tip (desc1)
Note: During the event, gem fragments can be exchanged for experience gems and super experience gems in the 'gem exchange' page.
activity herocomeback (desc new)
During the event, reach the collection conditions to win the corresponding prize.
Daily Reward: Everyday, accumulatively spend a designated amount of gold coins on hero recruitment to win rewards.
Incremental Reward: during the event, accumulatively spend gold coins on hero recruitment. Upon reaching a reward condition, a prize can be collected.
During the event, special rewards can be won if you recruit specific heroes from the tavern.
Note: You must successfully recruit these heroes during the event to meet the collection requirements for a corresponding reward.
Christmas hero collect (tips_v2)
During the event, collect all target heroes and evolve them into epic heroes together.</string>
hero evolution (rule)
1.During the event, every participant has 1 chance to evolve any legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero.
2.After the hero is evolved, the hero\'s level will be reset to 1 and reincarnation times to 0.
3.Every participant has 1 hero evolution chance.
4.In order to evolve a legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero, 4 different materials are needed.
a)The Elixir of Evolution can be acquired by reaching 80 points in daily missions. You can also acquire it immediately using %d gold coins.
b)The Gem of Evolution is dropped by monsters in the Magic Tower. You can also acquire it immediately using %2$d gold coins.
c)The Medal of Evolution can be won in the Arena. You can also acquire it immediately using %3$d gold coins.
d)The Scroll of Evolution costs %4$d gold coins.
gem alchemyview (tip_desc)
1.Gem alchemy upgrades a designated 5 star gem into a 6 star gem, and requires gem fragments, soul crystals and gold coins.
2.Gems that are socketed on to equipment will not appear in this gem list. Remove the gem to select it for alchemy.
activity recharge (tips)
1.During the event, participants will be ranked according to the amount of gold coins. The top 20 participants will receive valuable rewards
2.If two players have purchased the same amount of gold, the first to reach an amount will be ranked ahead.
1.A fully reincarnated legendary 4 star hero can be evolved into a legendary 5 star hero.
2.After the hero is evolved, the hero\'s level will be reset to 1 and reincarnation times to 0.
3.In order to evolve a legendary 4 star hero into a legendary 5 star hero, 4 different materials are needed.
a)The Elixir of Evolution can be acquired by reaching 80 points in daily missions. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
b)The Gem of Evolution is dropped by monsters in the Magic Tower. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
c)The Medal of Evolution can be won in the Arena. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
d)The Scroll of Evolution can be won from attacking player cities. You can choose to also buy it immediately.
war game (tip)
1.Attack specific player cities and win honour points, which can be exchanged for rewards.
2.The list of opponents can be refreshed.
a)The list can be refreshed a certain number of times a day.
b)You can refresh the list once after defeating all opponents.
c)You can also use honour points to refresh the list immediately.
3.If the defender is victorious in battle against an attack, the defender will win honour points.
4.When attacking an opponent on the event list, the marching time to them will be reduced significantly.
5.Every participant has a fixed number of attacks and defenses per day. Once this number is exceeded, honour will no longer be rewarded.
war_game_honor_tip: Honour points can be traded in for prizes.
1.Clear the 'uncharted' stages listed in the event for a chance to win additional rewards.
2. The list of uncharted stages will be refreshed once the event timer reaches 0.
3.Before the event timer reaches 0, you can clear the stage as many times as you want.
During the event, the chance of finding a 5 star gem through advanced (gold coin) exploration is increased by 300%.
During the event, valuable items will be on sale at a great discount. The amount of each item on sale is limited!
1.During the event, valuable items will be on sale at a great discount. The amount of each item on sale is limited!
2. 1 new item will be put on sale every now and then.
3. The list and quantity of items available is the same to all players on a server. Don\'t be late!
4. Once there are 0 items left or if the sale timer reaches 0, the discount sale for the item ends.
1.During the event, accumulatively spend a designated amount of gold coins and unlock a chest, to perform a grand prize draw.
2. Each chest of each tier can only be opened 1 time.\n3. Prizes you win from one chest won\'t appear in another. (If you unlock all chests, you will receive all the prizes found in 'prize preview'),
1.Collect and submit three types of resources. Once the amount of resources submitted reaches the reward conditions, you will be able to exchange them for a prize. (During the event, you may only exchange 1 reward)
2.Every resource submission needs to be 60%% of the warehouse\'s maximum capacity.
3.Resources can be acquired through general resource production, occupying wildernesses, attacking player cities, and via the in game store.
4.Once the event ends, if a player does not submit enough resources to claim a prize, the resources will not be refunded.
1.During the event, collect all target heroes and evolve them into epic heroes together.
2.Reincarnated Heroes can not be evolved.
1.Perform a prize draw to randomly win 1 of the heroes listed.
2.Heroes that have been drawn cannot be drawn again.
3.Every prize draw requires Gold Coins. The cost of Gold Coins will increase with every draw.
1.Lottery tickets can be won from lottery spins at the lottery building. Rewards will be handed out at 00:00:00 server time, every day.
a)Normal lottery spins reward 1 lottery ticket.
b)Advanced lottery spins reward 12 lottery tickets.
2.Each Lottery ticket grants 1 entry into the daily grand prize draw. The more lottery tickets you have, the greater the chance of wining a grand prize.
3. The prize pool reset every day. Rewards will be sent to participants via the in-game mail box
4.Prize pool information is updated once every hour.
Materials used to create set gear
Red set gear can be created using red gear and runes
Runes can be used to refresh the bonus of red set gear.
Set Gear
set_of_equipment_make_desc: Click refresh to receive a new set gear bonus.
set_of_equipment_replace_desc: The new set gear bonus will replace the original. Do you wish to continue?
set_equip_property_1: Attack+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_2: Defense+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_3: Lead+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_4: Suppress+%1$d%%
set_equip_property_5: When leading infantry, lower damage received by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_6: When leading archers, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_7: When leading cavalry, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_8: When leading catapults, damage dealt is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_9: Roman heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_10: Persian heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_11: Greek heroes deal %1$d%% more damage
set_equip_property_12": Decrease marching time by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_13: Crit rate +%1$d%%
set_equip_property_14: Crit dmg +%1$d%%
set_equip_property_15: When in combat, all friendly units gain %1$d%% attack
set_equip_property_16: Effect of hero's defensive skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_17: Damage of hero's offensive skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_18: Activation chance of hero's skill is increased by %1$d%%
set_equip_property_19: Every attack Bahram makes has a 100% chance to deal %1$d%% damage to the target
set_of_equipment_property_new: New set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_property_cur: Current set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_property_activity: Equipped %1$d:
"set_of_equipment_property_already_activity: Already active
set_of_equipment_property_not_activity: Not active
set_of_equipment_effect: Set gear bonus
set_of_equipment_refresh_all_property: After refreshing, receive a random set gear bonus:
Implementations/New Tips
Are you sure you want to promote %s to leader?
After promoting %s they will become the new leader of the alliance. You will lose your position as alliance leader and become a member.
Adaptive Arms
When a hero is leading troops, the troop will deal additional damage according to it'\s adaptability tier(S>A>B>C>D>E)
Evolution Panel
Your legendary 4 star hero does not meet the conditions for hero evolution.
Evolution conditions: A %d star legendary heroes that has been re-birthed %d times can be evolved in to a legendary %d star hero.
EveryDay Sale
Make a single purchase of $%s gold coins\n Receive valuable rewards!
Inconsistent Lottery Data
The current lottery data is outdated, it may affect your lottery draws. Please try again.
<string name="equipment_forging_unlock_desc">Forge will be unlocked at Lv %1$d</string>
<string name="link_3rd_link_confirm_tips_other_2">A Level %1$d empire has been detected (%2$s[LV-%1$d][Server-%3$s]) . Would you like to load it's progress? (Please Note: If your current progress is not saved, it will be lost)</string>
<string name="link_3rd_link_confirm_tips_other_2_1"> A new empire has been detected. Would you like to load it's progress? (Please Note: If your current progress is not saved, it will be lost) </string>
<string name="hero_evolution_desc_I">Hero evolution - Welfare</string>
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